Monday, May 11, 2009

pictorial health warnings on tobacco products from May 31

pictorial health warnings on tobacco products from May 31...
hey frndz....
The smoke seems to have finally cleared over the issue of warnings that will display a picture of a scorpion, indicating cancer, and a diseased lung on tobacco products with the Supreme Court taking an undertaking from the Union government that the law will be implemented from May 31
A Supreme Court bench comprising Justice B N Agrawal and Justice G S Singhvi, on May 5, 2009, cleared the display of pictorial warnings on all tobacco product packages in the midst of allegations by health activists that the law was being diluted to favour the tobacco industry.
The warning will be positioned parallel to the top edge of the package and in the same direction as information in the principal display area. This is mandated under Section 7 of the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003. Rules under the Act were framed in 2006 but amended in 2007 to be implemented from December 1, 2007. However, implementation was postponed to March 31, 2008, and again to November 2008.
The specified warning will be inscribed in the same language as that used on the pack. In case of more than one language, the warning shall appear in two languages, one in which the brand name appears and the other in any one of the languages that appear on the product pack. For smoking forms of tobacco, the specified warning is depiction of diseased lungs, while for chewing and smokeless forms the warning will be a scorpion.

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